My name is Glen Palin and I'm a Deaf Artist. My inspiration for art came from time spent with my House Mother at Thomasson Memorial School for the Deaf in Bolton, she was already an artist and would delight in creating my own art with her.
My passion for art continued after leaving school. I would take walking trips; down valleys and up mountains to take photographs of the scenery.
Once home I would reproduce the photographic scenes using watercolours.
After moving to Wales and without any training I experimented with brushes and materials; ink, watercolours, acrylic paints and oils. I discovered endless ways to express my creativity.
Once visiting a friend in Manchester after meeting my partner was a revelation for my inspiration. The counter position of the mid-century and modern architecture was powerful to see. Lowry inspired buildings with futuristic landscapes of high rise buildings I loved to see.
Prior to meeting a Deaf musician friend in Gran Canaria, Danny I had never heard of the Arts Council England. Him mentioning it to me spurred me on to research the Council to discover who they are where upon I found an organisation named The Disability Arts Network Community (DANC) Danny, me and a friend visited DANC. I met all manner of skilled artists; musicians, opera singers, actors, actresses, painters and sculptures. The networking with these artists who were able to share their knowledge and experience of making funding applications to the Arts Council led me to make my own application for funding.
Although my first attempt was unsuccessful I persevered and my second attempt was successful.
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